Rabu, 09 November 2016

Contoh Dialog Membuat dan Membatalkan Rapat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Meeting Schedule
Rencana Pertemuan

Mr. Angga: Well. Good morning Rina.
Tn. Angga: Selamat pagi Rina.

Rina: Good morning Mr. Angga.
Rina: Selamat pagi Tn. Angga.

Mr. Angga: What’s the date today?
Tn. Angga: Hari ini tanggal berapa?

Rina: It's the 25th today.
Rina: Hari ini tanggal 25.

Mr. Angga: whether we could hold meetings today?
Tn. Angga: apakah kita bisa mengadakan rapat hari ini?

Rina: yes of course i can
Rina: iya tentu saya bisa

Mr. Angga: you sure you can?
Tn. Angga: kamu yakin bisa?

Rina: yes I am sure
Rina: iya saya yakin

Mr. Angga: nice, let's Meeting held at 09:00 then we will hold a meeting about the advantages of our company.
Tn. Angga: bagus, mari kita adakan rapat pukul 09.00 nanti kita akan mengadakan rapat tentang keuntungan dari perusahaan kita.

Rina: yes sir.
Rina: baik tuan.

Mr. Angga: who would you invite to a meeting later?
Tn. Angga: siapa saja yang akan kamu ajak untuk rapat nanti?

Rina: I will invite all the managers, staff and employees who are present today.
Rina: saya akan mengajak semua manager, staff dan karyawan yang hadir hari ini.

Mr. Angga: Have you prepared the documents?
Tn. Angga: Sudahkah disiapkan dokumen-dokumennya?

Rina: The documents will be ready in an hour master.
Rina: Dokumen-dokumen akan siap dalam satu jam tuan.

Mr. Angga: Good. then to meet again at the meeting arrived.
Tn. Angga: Bagus. kalau begitu sampai bertemu lagi saat rapat tiba.

Rina: well yes sir to meet as well.
Rina: iya baik tuan sampai bertemu juga.

goods were taken at the meeting
barang-barang yang dibawa saat rapat

important items that you should bring at the time of the meeting:

1.    Laptop / Notebook & charger. Some companies have been providing laptop facilities for employees. This gadget must bring, especially if you have to hold a presentation in front of the team and the client.

2.    Notebook. Providing a small notebook will further assist you at the meeting. Although we have been in modern times, make a note in the notebook will indirectly make you more understanding towards meeting progressed since you will digest the material that is being run as she took notes.

3.    Stationery. Pens are your main stationery. If you carry a notebook, make sure the tool is not left behind. We recommend that you provide more than one pen for stationery supplies this one easily lost. Bring several pens with varied colors can also be prepared.

4.    Mineral Water. Water will make your body more refreshed and avoid dehydration. If the meeting runs long, bring a bottle of water will help you to maintain concentration.

5.    Document the meeting. Imagine if you had been in the meeting room, all the participants had arrived and the meeting will start soon and then you realize that the meeting materials not you bring. Printed this one should be your top priority item. Providing fotocopian or documents in digital form (PDF) documents can minimize lag.

6.    Tas Koper. Bring stuff would be very inconvenient if you do not pick the right suitcase. To facilitate your mobility, make sure to choose a briefcase that was not too great with several small rooms inside.

Cancellation Plan Meeting
Pembatalan Rencana Pertemuan

Rina: Well. Good morning Mr. Angga.
Rina: Selamat pagi Tn. Angga.

Mr. Angga: Good morning Rina.
Tn. Angga: Selamat pagi Rina.

Rina: apologize in advance lord, would you cancel today's meeting?
Rina: maaf sebelumnya tuan, sudikah anda membatalkan rapat hari ini?

Mr. Angga: hmmm I could, so what is canceled?
Tn. Angga: hmmm saya bisa, memangnya kenapa dibatalkan?

Rina: I could not hold a meeting today on a report of corporate profits has not been counted accurately
Rina: saya tidak bisa mengadakan rapat hari ini karena laporan keuntungan perusahaan belum terhitung secara akurat

Mr. Angga: why have not counted?
Tn. Angga: mengapa belum terhitung?

Rina: because now the 25th, there are still 5 days left until the month is over so that the report has not been so calculated
Rina: karena sekarang tanggal 25, masih ada 5 hari lagi sampai bulan ini berakhir sehingga laporan belum begitu terhitung

Mr. Angga: Okay, so if I accept your excuse
Tn. Angga: oke, kalo begitu saya terima alasanmu

Rina: thank you sir, again I apologize for canceling the meeting today
Rina: terima kasih tuan, sekali lagi saya minta maaf atas membatalkan rapat hari ini

Mr. Angga: it's okay, can we replace this meeting at a later time?
Tn. Angga: tidak apa-apa, bisakah kita menggantikan rapat ini di lain waktu?

Rina: yes sir, it could probably around June 30 or 31, you can?
Rina: iya tuan ,tentu bisa mungkin sekitar tanggal 30 atau 31 anda bisa?

Mr. Angga: yes I can. okay then to meet at another time rina
Tn. Angga: iya saya bisa. oke kalau begitu sampai bertemu di lain waktu rina

Rina: I'll see you next time too sir
Rina: sampai bertemu dilain waktu juga sir

Letter Plan Meeting
Surat Rencana Pertemuan

PT. Asus Zenfone
Jln. Pioneers No. 20b Jakarta
Tel. (021) 987654 Fax. 123456

No. 30 / SA / V / 2016
Hal: Meeting Request
Attachment: -

Dear :
Mr. Angga
Production manager
PT Asus Zenfone
In place

With respect,

In connection with the implementation of the calculation of the company's profits will be PT. Asus Zenfone, we herewith invite all Managers, Staff, employees of PT. Asus Zenfone to attend the preparatory meeting to be held on:

Day / Date: Friday, 25 November 2016
Time: 09:00 to 11:00 pm
Place: Multipurpose PT. Asus Zenfone

Thus we convey this invitation, given the importance of this event, the Mr / Ms please attend on time. Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
chairman of the committee


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